

I can help you write a beautiful goodbye.

 No matter how articulate you are at other times, in this dark moment of devastating loss, your heart is trampled and your feelings are in razor-like free-fall. Now you have to write a eulogy. I’m here to help you create an original one. It can be solemn, and a little bit funny, too. You decide.

Hi! I’m Molly-Ann Leikin

rhymes with “bacon”

For over two decades, I've used my sharp pencil and sharper wit to write toasts, eulogies, memorials, Bar/Bat Mitzvah speeches, wedding vows, and industry award acceptance speeches (yes, think Oscar, Emmy, Grammy, and Golden Globes). Every one is custom, and always confidential.

An Emmy-nominee, my clients include CEOs, CFOs and UFOs!

I’m happy to help you, too.

What Clients Have Told Me

I’m a professor of English Lit now, a published author … when Carter died I could not finish a sentence. I called Molly to write Carter’s eulogy for me. Everybody from 60’s-70’s rock ‘n roll was in the house. Molly’s speech made everyone double over in laughter. Carter would have wanted it that way.

– David Diamond, Former DJ,
KHJ, Los Angeles

What I do for you

We Talk

First we talk and make sure we’re a good fit. Then we spend an hour together on the phone with you telling me all about your relationship with the person your speech is honoring.

I Write

Using the stories and feelings you shared, I write dozens of drafts for me. When one says “Molly, I’m ready!” I’ll call to read your speech to you.

You Shine!

Once you approve your speech in a call, I will send that speech to you in a word document.  I’ll even help you practice giving your speech.

When you and your occasion
deserve the best..

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • My clients say they saw my writing samples and called immediately. They felt connected after seeing my work.

  • Yes. After we commit to a project, we schedule 60 minutes to speak together. During that time, I learn your speech patterns, along with words you would or would not say. I want your speech to sound like you, not me, and it will.

  • I’m the only writer in my company and create everything myself – from scratch, with you. My staff answers emails and does emergency York Peppermint Patty runs, but everything written for my clients is written by me.

  • No! I hate forms. You’re a person, unique, dreaming different dreams and having particular ways of expressing yourself. I’m all about – and only about – one-on-one, live conversations. I won’t ever trust your occasion to an impersonal, generic form. Ever.

  • I’m connected to over 12,000 professionals on LinkedIn. In addition, I’ve been recommended by hundreds of event professionals – from florists to caterers to priests, rabbis, and musicians. The people who know me know my excellent work and support me with their kind referrals. Take a look at my writing samples.

Take a look at my writing samples and references.

A few minutes on the phone and
we’ll know if we’re a match.
At that point, I can give you a firm quote.

My fees start at $350 for a brief toast.

Contact me

Contact me